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Cake Elevators

Cake Elevators, Oil Mill Machinery

Bucket elevators are the part of automatic oil mill setup which help in the material handling method during the operation of oil mill, specially where feeding at height of equipment. These bucket elevators are used to lift and elevate the seeds & cake for the feeding purpose. It reduces considerable manpower. Where Installation space is limited, use of elevators are more versatile.

There are 2 type of elevators. Belt driven & chain driven.

We supply mainly chain driven.

  • Process begins with elevator to feed groundnut pod from ground level to 6 feet height of decorticator. Then seeds from decorticator is again lifted by 2nd elevator and feed into a large over head hopper as storage of seeds for crushing into 1st expeller. So these are 2 main uses of elevators.
  • Countries where labour is cheper, budget customer can avoid buying elevators. If there is no budget constraint, customer can ask for elevators & it will save considerable labour work.li>